Thursday, May 9, 2013

A sister bearing gifts.... Sweet!

We spent this evening at the twins (Kaitlyn and Caroline) apartment for dinner and, as it turns out, gifts!  Nice.

The girls fixed us a yummy pasta dinner, complete with salad and crusty bread.  It was very good.  I mentioned earlier that we are here for Kaitlyn's college graduation.  This was a display on the top of one of the chests in the girl's apartment.  Kaityn did a great customization job on her mortarboard, I think.  Notice that the "T" in the Texas A&M logo is an anchor.  The A&M folks in Galveston are known as the Sea Aggies.  Cool, huh?

And then my sister (Rochelle) had gifts for everyone.  She just got back from a 4 month tour of duty in India.  Of course, being that we have the same shopping genes, she couldn't resist picking up a few (or a whole bunch!) of things.  Among the many awesome gifts were these very cool gauze scarves.  They are twisted up so nicely that I hate to undo them.  But take my word for it, they turn into some big and beautiful scarves. 

Even Remington (Caroline's kitty) got into the act.  Rochelle had a big bag of sarees that Remy decided that he needed to investigate.  Apparently any random bag is cause for serious interior investigations.  Grin.

And of course, I can't get by without showing you the view from the back window of our fifth wheel.  Nice, huh?  :)

Actually it is pretty windy and stormy looking here today (we passed through several rain showers on the drive from Denton), so the Gulf looks pretty angry.  And when we got home from dinner this evening, you could see the lights from the ships on the horizon -- lined up to come into the port to unload.  They go as far as the eye can see.  It is amazing.

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