Monday, June 27, 2011

Embossed Metal and Leather

Embossed metal and leather ---- interesting combination, eh??  I've been taking some jewelry making classes over the summer.  So now, of course, I'm experimenting with new techniques.  The idea of embossing metal isn't new, I'm sure, but the "how" of it is a blast!

Believe it or not, you use an embossing machine that is designed for scrapbookers!  Go figure.  Once the metal has been run through the machine, you have a lovely pattern that is "painted" with alcohol ink.  I put that in quotes, because there is an illusion that you have some control over where the ink goes...... I've discovered that you just have to let it happen!

Then the real magic comes as you start to sand away the paint.  During this process, the lovely pattern is revealed.  And because it is embossed, the reveal is different on both sides.  Finally you hand rub the piece with wax to protect it. 

And then you can go on to create lovely necklaces, earrings, or bracelets with your new pieces.  Here's an example of a necklace pendant that I recently created.

 Notice the mirror image of the pattern.  Doesn't that make for an interesting charm??  If you want to see this particular charm in my shop, follow this link.

These are great when they are strung on a leather thong.  I've done one in gold and purple that you can find at this link. 

I think that this is a pretty darned good example of why making and wearing jewelry DOESN'T have to be boring (thank goodness)!

Next time?  I'll show ya what I've been experimenting with from another class.  Here's a hint --- wire wrapped jewelry!
