Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A day around town

We started yesterday by touring around Rapid City.  Their downtown area is known for its Walk of Presidents.
Do you recognize this one?  George Washington with a modern twist!  :)  

The Walk of Presidents consists of full-sized statues of every US President.  It is spread out over probably a 6 or 7 block area, with statues on almost every corner.  Very impressive!  And no, we didn't go see all 44 or so of them.

And even the alleys of downtown Rapid City have art!

Their main square is very nice.  You can tell that these awesome fountains are a kid magnet on a hot day!

After some intense shopping downtown (gotta have some of that Black Hills gold jewelry!), we headed home for a short rest before more sightseeing.

We headed to Keystone next.  If you want a gaudy, touristy town..... well, this is your place!  :)

There are still quite a few bikers left around from the Sturgis motorcycle rally.

Couldn't resist a pic of this coffee shop name......

And dinner was Indian tacos at this place.....

The tacos were heavy on the beans.  :)

We ended the day at the most famous American monument -- Mount Rushmore is awesome!!!

They have a very cool but small museum that chronicles the building of the monument.  I couldn't believe the scaffolding they used!

It reminded me of the bamboo scaffolding that I saw all over China a few years back.  

We timed our visit to Mount Rushmore so that we could watch the evening lighting ceremony.  They have a pretty awesome amphitheater for the program.  It is a great program with a short talk by a park ranger, a film about the monument, the lighting of the monument......  And then the park ranger invited all the active and previous armed service members in the audience to come to the stage for the lowering of the flag.  Then he had each service member introduce him/herself.  It was a very moving ceremony.

On our way out, Max turned around and snapped this pic of the monument back through the avenue of state flags.  Wow!

On tap for today...... more sightseeing!  :)

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