Friday, February 21, 2014

Seeking Truth (or Consequences)

We didn't waste much time getting away from Amarillo this morning.....  the cold weather didn't encourage lingering.

We drove west to Albequerque and then turned south again.  At one of our stops late this afternoon, we saw this at the rest stop.

In case you can't tell..... that is an old time cannon on that trailer.  Ya just never know exactly what you might see as you travel these United States.  It is definitely never boring!

It was another long day on the road.  Two 8 hour days have left us both pretty exhausted.  I don't know why driving (or in my case, riding) is such a tiring endeavor.  We did have one of the Lee Child audiobooks to help pass the time.  Max commented that it did seem to make the hours go by a bit faster.  His other comment, at the end of the drive, was something to the effect that he sure wished we lived closer to warm weather.  :)  Me toooooo!

At any rate, we arrived in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico early this evening.  Along the way, I learned that Google maps isn't always entirely accurate.  In this case, we got to "our final destination" and, well, nothing.  Now that isn't normally a problem, except when you are towing a 35 foot trailer.  In that case, ya can't exactly turn that baby around on a dime.  A football field, mayble.  Or in our case, the fairgrounds parking lot.

While we idled there, I called the RV park and found that Google maps had us get off on the wrong exit and then didn't have us go far enough to reach the RV park.  Argh!  It felt good to find the place and get setup.  This is the view from the back of the trailer.  Nice!

The park is definitely an older one.  You actually have to drive up a small mountain (hillside) to get to it.  And the park is setup with three levels.  We are on the top level.... hence the wonderful view.

The weather here is just gorgeous, sunny and 65 degrees.  That warranted a stroll around the park for us and the girls.  We all needed to stretch our legs after the last two days.  The weather encourages time outside.  And while we will have to run the furnace tonite (it'll get down into the mid 40s), that's a damn sight better than last nite!  :)

Even better, tomorrow will be a short (relatively) driving day.  So we'll take our time getting up and around in the morning.  That's the best way to start the day.

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