Monday, February 24, 2014

From heater to attic fan to air conditioner (almost)

Yesterday was a gorgeous day here in Tucson.  I'm amazed at the range of temps!  We started the day with the furnace as it is getting down into the 50s at night here.  And yes, I actually left the electric blanket on the bed when we arrived.  We are both glad as it feels kinda good at night.  

As the morning progresses, we open windows and turn on the RV equivalent of an old-fashioned attic fan.  They call it the "fantastic fan" and it actually runs off a rudimentary thermostat.  And it does keep the air circulating in the place.  It was quite comfortable for most of the day.

By late afternoon the temps outside had reached just above 80.  Nice!  Well, it did start getting a bit warm in here and we actually discussed turning on the A/C.  In the end we decided to just take a nap -- problem solved.  :)

By about 6pm the sun goes down and we start reversing the process.

Today was a bit cooler, only 75 degrees.  But it was coudy most of the day.  I know, I know..... boo hoo for us!  :/

Oh, and as I type this?  It is 24 degrees and snowy in Wichita.

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