Sunday, September 6, 2015

Chore day. Ugh!

Every trip of any length has to have a day for chores.  Sigh.  Today was our day.  While I was cleaning inside and doing laundry, Max was cleaning up some of the road grime both outside and inside the truck.  The park we are at is pretty nice, so I though I would include a pic of our site.  

Really the only bad thing that I've found about this park is the laundry.  The room itself is very nice.  But the dryers..... oy!  It was 25 cents for either 3 or 4 minutes, depending on the dryer.  Think about that for a minute, I'll wait.......  Okay, now that you've done the math, you will realize that for some loads I was spending upwards of 3 bucks just to dry it.  In fact, I finally gave up on the throw rugs and brought them back to the camper to hang in the sun to dry.  Oh well.

This evening we met my brother, Mark, and our niece, Haleigh, for dinner in the neighborhood where they live.  This neighborhood used to be the Ilitch Gardens.  When they moved it, this planned neighborhood was built.  There are still some reminders of the old Ilitch, like the theather and this domed rotunda.  At the center of the rotunda is a labryinth.  It is quite lovely......  as is the whole neighborhood!

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